I knew what to do- So why was I sabotaging myself? My journey redefining what matters habits mindset Feb 27, 2025

The Success Trap No One Warns You About

For a long time, I thought I had it all figured out.

I had built a successful career in sales. The money was good, the flexibility was there, and from the outside, it looked like I was thriving. This was what...

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Beyond the Hustle: Lessons Learned as a Coach with The Flow Research Collective coaching corporate flow neuroscience Feb 11, 2025

“I’m doing everything right, but I still feel like I’m falling short.”

These were the first words a client—a CEO running a multimillion-dollar company—said to me on our call. He worked long hours, hit his goals, and had the kind of resume that most ...

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The Science of Awe: Lessons from a P!nk Concert flow mindset neuroscience Nov 19, 2024

Under the shimmering lights of a packed arena, P!nk took the stage, her voice powerful and raw, diving from the rafters of the coliseum to the stage floor to kick off the show and leave the crowd excited for what was to come. Thousands of us, strange...

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What in the World is Transient Hypofrontality- And Why Should I Care About it if I Want to Increase My Performance coaching corporate flow neuroscience Aug 30, 2024

Have you ever felt so immersed in an activity that you completely lost your sense of time? Maybe you were working on a project and the hours seemed to fly by in what felt like minutes. Or perhaps you were so deeply focused on the game your team was p...

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What My Tennis Match Taught Me About the Power of Commitment golf mental skills training mindset Jul 22, 2024

The sun was beating down on the tennis court as I stepped up to serve the first game of the second set. I had just lost the first set 4-6. During the set changeover, I took a minute to reflect on my strategy and why I had lost the opening set. The bi...

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Getting Your Butterflies in Formation: Embracing Pre-Game Nerves as Your Ally coaching mental skills training mindset Feb 04, 2024

Have you ever felt your heart racing before a big game or performance? That rush of energy, sweaty palms, maybe even a bit of jitteriness? Often, we label these sensations as 'nervousness,' but what if I told you that these feelings could actually be...

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The Top 5 Attributes Found in Every High Performer: Insights from a Peak Performance Coach coaching corporate goal setting habits mental skills training mindset Dec 21, 2023

After two decades of studying high performance, and coaching individuals from the C-suite to professional athletes, I've had the unique opportunity to observe the common threads that weave through the tapestry of their success. These individuals, fro...

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Understanding the Yips: Causes, Symptoms, and Impact on Athletes mental skills training Oct 22, 2023

The world of sports is no stranger to the mysterious and frustrating phenomenon known as "the yips." Often considered a mental block, the yips affect athletes across various disciplines, from golfers and baseball pitchers to tennis players and musici...

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One Year, One Daily Habit: The Unexpected Game-Changing Benefits goal setting habits Sep 27, 2023

We've all heard the saying, "It's the little things in life." Yet, how often do we really pause to appreciate those tiny moments? A smile from a stranger, a first-row parking spot, or even the beauty of a setting sun? A little over a year ago, I deci...

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Shackled Potential: The Consequences of Coach Expectations on Athlete Performance coaching mental skills training Jul 17, 2023

In the world of sport, coaches play a pivotal role in shaping an athlete's performance and development. However, the expectations and labels that coaches have and apply to their players can have profound consequences. It is not uncommon for coaches t...

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Why Self- Awareness is Step One for any Performance Improvement mental skills training Jun 24, 2021

When are you at your best? What are your emotional triggers? How do you reset? When do you need to reset?  I ask these exact questions and questions like these when I am working with a client who is looking to improve their performance.  From the boa...

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The "Daily 5" and Being Intentional goal setting habits the one thing Jun 22, 2021

As a coach to high performers or those wishing to be high performers, I believe it is important that I also continue to develop my craft and be the absolute best version of myself that I can be. Growth is also a core value of mine and one way that I ...

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