Have you ever felt so immersed in an activity that you completely lost your sense of time? Maybe you were working on a project and the hours seemed to fly by in what felt like minutes. Or perhaps you were so deeply focused on the game your team...
Have you ever felt your heart racing before a big game or performance? That rush of energy, sweaty palms, maybe even a bit of jitteriness? Often, we label these sensations as 'nervousness,' but what if I told you that these feelings could actually...
After two decades of studying high performance, and coaching individuals from the C-suite to professional athletes, I've had the unique opportunity to observe the common threads that weave through the tapestry of their success. These individuals,...
In the world of sport, coaches play a pivotal role in shaping an athlete's performance and development. However, the expectations and labels that coaches have and apply to their players can have profound consequences. It is not uncommon for...